April Fool's Exchange

Echoes by GingerTart

Altered book

GingerTart's Profile at Walking the Plank


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Perfect memories

Illustration for Altered Art presentation of "Echoes" by GingerTart

Harry's Perfect Memories

Packing tape transfers, Colored Pencil sketch of clasped hands (foreshadowing), Foil stars

With Echoes Quote in Blackadder ITC

Harry could identify all the perfect moments in his life.

memories & kindling

Double Page View


Photo Transfer (Packing Tape Method):

1. Use a photocopy or laserjet print out (does not work with inkjet) Either Color or B&W is fine.
2. Trim image, leaving a small margin around desired portion.
Cover with packing tape (clear kind). Trim taped image further, to exact effect desired.
3. Soak taped image, paper side down in a bowl of warm water for 3 - 5 minutes.
4. Take out of water and scrape off paper backing. Let dry.
It should dry to sticky state - be careful to dry (formerly) paper backed side up.
If sticky, apply to art. If not sticky, use a clear-drying low water glue (glue stick) to apply.